Sonja Complexity is not Supposed to be Complex Life is complex: an ever-changing tangle of joy and pain, failure and success, beauty and despair. Sometimes it sucks, like watching your mother fade away into dementia, or losing a beloved dog. Somet... Jul 5, 2023 World Management Agility Forum
James Shore How are Nullables Different From Mocks? One of the most common questions I get about Nullables is, “How is that any different than a mock?” The short answer is that Nullables result in sociable, state-based tests, and mocks (and spies) resu... Jun 6, 2023 World Management Agility Forum
GROW Model Of Coaching The GROW Model has, time and again, proven its effectiveness; it is great at driving specific results leading to major breakthroughs. So if you want to: Learn about the GROW model and its benefits; Le... The Agile Thinkers Jun 2, 2023 At Insights
The Ultimate Guide to Coaching Notes: Hey there, coach! Are you tired of feeling like your coaching notes are all over the place? Or maybe you’re struggling to get a good read on your clients during sessions. Don’t sweat it – we’ve been t... The Agile Thinkers May 29, 2023 At Insights
9 Meeting Facilitation Skills for Managers Meetings can either be opportunities to share ideas, discuss challenges and define action plans, or they can end up as unproductive time wasters. Unfortunately, managers are often the major contributo... The Agile Thinkers May 29, 2023 At Insights
Ten Reasons People Resist Change Leadership is about change, but what is a leader to do when faced with ubiquitous resistance? Resistance to change manifests itself in many ways, from foot-dragging and inertia to petty sabotage to ou... The Agile Thinkers May 29, 2023 At Insights
The Leader as a Coach In the face of rapid, disruptive change, companies are realizing that managers can’t be expected to have all the answers and that command-and-control leadership is no longer viable. As a result, many ... The Agile Thinkers May 29, 2023 At Insights
Steve Denning Don’t Reorganize: Run Your Firm As An Agile Network Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos; General Stan McChrystal; Former SRI CEO Curt Carlson Executives often ask for advice on designing the structure for a customer-centric organization. Yet this is the wrong questi... May 9, 2023 World Management Agility Forum
Steve Denning How a new kind of Business Model creates Digital Winners Back in the “olden days” of 2005, it was obvious that a firm needed to choose between two types of business architecture, as business guru Geoffrey Moore explained in his famous 2005 article in Harvar... May 9, 2023 World Management Agility Forum
Steve Denning Manifesto for Management in the Digital Age Figure 1: A Manifesto for Management in the Digital Age What used to work, doesn’t any more. The complexity and the pace of change of the digital age are so different from the industrial-era that gene... May 9, 2023 World Management Agility Forum
Steve Denning What’s New About Strategy In The Digital Age The practice of business strategy is unrecognizable from what it was just a few years ago. Today, strategy at its best has become a digital-decoding, direction-setting, business model transforming, de... May 5, 2023 World Management Agility Forum
Steve Denning Five Key Lessons From The 2008 ‘Moonshots For Management’ As the challenge of re-imagining the concept of management re-emerges , it is instructive to learn from the 2008 ‘Moonshots For Management’ —a group of 25 management scholars and senior executives, le... WAF Apr 6, 2023 World Management Agility Forum