Business Agility Profile & Certified Agile Organization

Create your organization's Business Agility Profile and get your certification with the Business Agility Instute!

A detailed picture of your business agility capabilities and behaviours across your organization 

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The Approach

Assessing business agility is complex. As the standards body for business agility, the Business Agility Profile was designed as a progressive approach that reflects the nuances and complexity in assessing business agility.

The Business Agility Profile of your organization will provide you the next steps to further develop your organization's business agility, as it is measured against the domains, capabilities and behaviours that are detailed by the Domains of Business Agility.

What are the Domains of Business Agility?

How does it work?

1 — Preparation: The Business Agility Profile™ begins with verifying eligibility of the organization, completing paperwork and a Nondisclosure Agreement, and understanding the demographics of the organization (for planning the assessment).

2 — Assessment: The assessment is conducted with a survey across the organization to determine and confirm 13 business agility capabilities and 80+ behaviors. The assessment is accompanied by the organization's submission of supporting documentation and evidence (including employee engagement surveys, HR policies, and org charts) for evaluation. The assessment requires no "onsite" time.

3 — Evaluation: The Business Agility Institute will conduct a detailed review and evaluation of the provided evidence and assessment data through our proprietary model. The results of this analysis will be used to benchmark your organization versus 1300+ organizations in our database. BAI experts will document these findings and recommendations in a detailed report.

4 — Certification: For qualifying organizations, the Business Agility Institute will grant you the title of Certified Agile Organization™, along with a separate star-rating publicly recognizing where your organization is on the journey to agility.

Let's talk about your Certified Agile Organization!