DevOps Foundation (DOFD)®

Registrations are closed

Includes DevOps Foundation (DOFD)® Course


What will you receive:

  • Sixteen hours of instructor-led training and exercise facilitation
  • Digital Learner Manual (excellent post-class reference)
  • Access to exclusive Agile Thinkers Academy Digital library
  • Agile Thinkers Academy Slack community
  • Agile Thinkers Academy Certificate of Attendance

Attendees will receive the Certification Credential:

Successfully passing (65%) the 60-minute examination, consisting of 40 multiple-choice questions, leads to the DevOps Foundation Certificate. The certification is governed and maintained by the DevOps Institute.

PMI Professional Development Units (PDU)

Attendees may be eligible to apply for PDU towards their continuing education requirements with PMI.

Upon completion of this course you can get up to 16 Scrum Education Units (SEUs) in addition to 16 Project Management Institute PDUs by participating in our two-day course. Seats are limited. Register today!


Learn how can DevOps to support organizational efforts in reducing costs while increasing agility, quality and customer service. As DevOps adoption continues to grow and drive digital business success, organizations and their teams need to ensure they have the needed skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality software solutions quickly, exceed customer expectations and outpace competitors.

The DevOps Foundation certification validates a baseline understanding of key DevOps terminology, concepts, and practices.

DevOps Foundation® is a freestanding certification from DevOps Institute. The purpose of the certification and its associated course is to impart, test and validate knowledge of DevOps basic vocabulary, principles and practices. The vocabulary terms, concepts and practices are documented in the course learner materials. DevOps Foundation is intended to provide individuals with an understanding of basic DevOps concepts and how DevOps may be used to improve communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and IT operations professionals.


The learning objectives for DevOps Foundation include an understanding of:

  • DevOps objectives and vocabulary
  • Benefits to the business and IT
  • Principles and practices including Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, testing, security and the Three Ways
  • DevOps relationship to Agile, Lean and ITSM
  • Improved workflows, communication and feedback loops
  • Automation practices including deployment pipelines and DevOps toolchains
  • Scaling DevOps for the enterprise
  • Critical success factors and key performance indicators
  • Real-life examples and results

Certification Exam

Eligibility for Examination

Although there are no formal prerequisites for the exam, DevOps Institute highly recommends the following to prepare candidates for the exam leading to DevOps Foundation certification:

It is recommended that candidates complete at least 16 contact hours (instruction and labs) as part of a formal, approved training course delivered by an accredited Education Partner of DevOps Institute.

Examination Administration

The DevOps Foundation examination is accredited, managed and administered under the strict protocols and standards of DevOps Institute.

Level of Difficulty

The DevOps Foundation certification uses the Bloom Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the construction of both the content and the examination.

The DevOps Foundation exam contains Bloom 1 questions that test learners’ knowledge of DevOps concepts and vocabulary terms

The exam also contains Bloom 2 questions that test learner’s comprehension of these concepts in context.

Format of the Examination

Candidates must achieve a passing score to gain the DevOps Foundation Certificate.

Exam Type

  • 40 multiple choice questions
  • Duration : 60 minutes
  • Prerequisites: It is recommended that candidates complete the DevOps Foundation course from an accredited DevOps Institute Education Partner
  • Supervised | No
  • Open Book | Yes
  • Passing Score | 65%
  • Delivery | Web Based
  • Badge | DevOps Foundation Certified

Course Material

Participants will receive printed material on the first day of class. The material is in English. The material will be enhanced by more slides, videos and other pictures in case the trainer find this useful during class. The class is delivered using Scrum itself, so the teaching backlog will adapt in response to students feedbacks.

Online we will use electronic tools like:

  • Strong preference & recommendation: Zoom for its great multi-video experience with breakout rooms
  • Whiteboarding: Miro or Mural
  • Collaborative writing: Google Slides, Docs or spreadsheet

If you have an account on these tools its great, if not please take some time to see this tools and get familiar.

Course Audience

The target audience for the DevOps Foundation course includes Management, Operations, Developers, QA and Testing professionals such as:

  • Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management
  • Individuals who require an understanding of DevOps principles
  • IT professionals working within, or about to enter, an Agile Service Design Environment

The following IT roles: Automation Architects, Application Developers, Business Analysts, Business Managers, Business Stakeholders, Change Agents, Consultants, DevOps Consultants, DevOps Engineers, Infrastructure Architects, Integration Specialists, IT Directors, IT Managers, IT Operations, IT Team Leaders, Lean Coaches, Network Administrators, Operations Managers, Project Managers, Release Engineers, Software Developers, Software Testers/QA, System Administrators, Systems Engineers, System Integrators, Tool Providers.


Familiarity with IT terminology and IT related work experience are recommended.

It is recommended that candidates complete the DevOps Foundation course from an accredited DevOps Institute Education Partner

Training Remotely | Guidelines for a Successful Experience

Congratulations on joining Agile Thinkers remote courses. We are committed to facilitating a pleasant and enriching experience for all our attendees.

That's is why it is critically important that we are clarifying how we're going to work together to be most effective. So, let's develop some working agreements and suggestions to encourage the type of team environment that we want to foster during our training sessions.

Before the training starts:

1. Inform your co-workers/colleagues what will be the time you're attending training, and you shouldn't' be interrupted;

2. Look for a comfortable and quiet place to set your training spot;

3. Reduce distractions, noises and background interference;

4. Test your internet signal and guarantee you have a good connection;

5. Please please take some time to explore the tools and how to login;

6. Visit the toilet 10m before the session starts;

7. Stay hydrated;

8. Bring a notebook and a pen with you;

9. Limit interruptions from family members;

10. Make sure you turn off Outlook, gmail, Slack, WhatsApp, Skype or other sources of interruption;

11. If you can, select flight mode on your phone;

12. Test your earphones.

During Training:

1. While there are no questions, confirm you are mute;

2. Ask for help if you have any questions unmuting yourself or sending a message in chat;

3. Use Chat area to address the trainer some questions. As soon as possible, we will give feedback.

4. Respect the Time-boxes;

5. Be on time so you can deliver on time;

6. Don't accept calls while you're on training unless is extremely necessary and vital for you;

7. Please keep your camera on;

8. It's completely forbidden for students to record audio or video of any kind or take pictures from the sessions without written agreement;

9. For training. and quality assurance purpose of our staff, we can record video, audio and the chat of all sessions;

10. Have fun! Enjoy your course!

Make sure you also check our FAQs

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Date & Time
January 12, 2023
Start - 11:00 AM
January 17, 2023
End - 3:00 PM Europe/Lisbon

Agile Thinkers Academy

[email protected]

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