Coaching & Facilitation

Harness the Power of Human Factors to Transform Performance, Enhance Safety, and Elevate User Experience.

Human factors is a multidisciplinary field focused on understanding the interactions between humans and the systems they use. It airs to improve performance, safety, and user satisfaction by optimizing the design of tools, systems, and environments. The field encompasses various elements, including ergonomics, psychology, engineering, and design.


This exercise consists on a computer-based simulation for behavioral training

Behavioral Measurement

Measurement instruments for precise analysis of behavior within the team

Intensive Interaction

Methodological toolkit for effective transfer of learning

Behavioral Measurement

Behavioral measurement makes this a uniquely powerful tool for soft skills training. Through objective feedback, the consequences of behavioral optimization become strikingly clear. The LAB measures dimensions that have a significant influence on cooperation. Trainers can interpret these measurements very easily and thereby continuously assess the overall performance of the individual teams.

How much time and 
energy does the team 
free-up for additional tasks?

How precise and goal-orientated is 
the exchange of information?

How are work processes organized and 
agreements carried out?

Situational Awareness
How accurately does the team perceive information from the environment? 

How conscientious is the team about observing information 
and abiding by rules?

Result Orientation
How hard does the team strive to achieve a best-possible result?

What is being evaluated here?

Our Team

 Know some of our clients, and read how we can work together to improve his teams and workflow.

Hugo Lourenço
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​Lyssa Adkins
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​Delia McCabe
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